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[edit] Card 55

Card #55 - Secret: The Golden Fleece
Branch: Tomas
Rarity: Common
Visit unlocked URL

Stolen Archive file 55: Screenshot of a Friends of the Order fan site

(web page) URL: http://www.friendsoftheorder.com/index

(header: Friends of the Order of the Golden Fleece)
(picture of knight on left)
(right side has buttons labeled Home, Early Years, News, Bulletins, Contact)

Have you heard of the Order of the Golden Fleece?? It's only the coolest order of chivalrous Knights of all time - like a super-charged mash up of Jedi Knights and gladiators!

Phillip the Good, Duke of Burgundy, kicked off the order to celebrate himself. (This was the same dude who captured Joan of Arc.) He ROCKED! He was the ruler with the most bling this side of the Ottoman Empire. His court was where it was AT, and stashed full of sick loot, like silk and jewelry and paintings and gold stuff.

The order started with 24 of his baddest knight pals, and he gave them all kinds of whacked out bling. Down through the years, these guys included some of the sickest kings and emperors of all time. Henry VIII - the dude who killed all those wives? - he was a Knight of the Golden Fleece. Philip II of Spain was the most powerful ruler in Spanish history, and the head of the order at the end of the 14th (sic) century. He expanded Spain's empire to include almost all of the Americas and made Spain the most important kingdom in Europe. Boo-ya!

Being a member of the Order of the Golden Fleece and wearing the wicked dead lamb bling earned you RESPECT! Cause you had to have some SERIOUS fighting skills and SERIOUS influence to get in. You could say these guys were the roughest crew in Europe. They called the shots. And the rowdiest of them all? In the late 1500s, those members represented with a polar bear! Fierce!!!

The order split in 1700 into the Spanish Order and the Austrian Order. Who was the coolest? At Friend of the Order of the Golden Fleece, we think they all ROCKED!!!! And we're here today to give props to the fighting Knights (and for some super-sweet Golden Fleece reenactment rumbles.)

(web page) URL: http://www.friendsoftheorder.com/news

(header: Friends of the Order of the Golden Fleece)
(on left, close up of necklace, close up of jewels, close up of knight's helmet)
(right side has buttons labeled Home, Early Years, News, Bulletins, Contact)

(top box, full picture of necklace)
Darren Jones and Monique Reid-Goldberg of Plantagenet, Ontario (outside Ottawa) organized a FOGF even at their high school this weekend. They had 17 total participants, and an audience of 6. But they also said they had lots of new recruits - at least 1 for sure!

Monique is the costume director for the high school theater, so they borrowed swords and jewelry from the school in order to outfit all the members of the troupe.

Can you say AWESOME!

(face shot of Timmy) Timmy Tompkins of Dallas is still having legal troubles after he and his reenactment troupe stormed the Dallas Police Headquarters.

Please send letters of support and legal counsel to:

Timmy Tompkins
304 Cell Block L
Henry Wade Juvenile Justice Center
2600 Lone Star Drive
Dallas, Texas 75212

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