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[edit] Puzzle #9 Begins

from: Snowball McJingleBell
sent: Dec 22, 2006

Puzzle Nine

You guys are doing great. You've reached the ninth puzzle... Excellent work. So, it's time for the ninth puzzle. This one's easier than the last, but nowhere near as easy as the first few. So, good luck... Christmas is only 3 days away. The tenth puzzle is going to be revealed Christmas Eve. Which means you have until Sunday to get the answer... so, get cracking!

Please, reply with answers with a subject line of PUZZLE NINE ANSWER.

Good luck!

-Snowball McJinglebell


Genqvgvbanyyl, guvf pbafvfgf bs gjb cvrprf bs pneqobneq ba gbc bs rnpu bgure. Gjragl sbhe qbbef ner phg bhg va gur gbc ynlre, jvgu bar qbbe orvat bcrarq rirel qnl, sebz Qrprzore 1 gb Qrprzore 24 (Puevfgznf Rir).


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