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[edit] Puzzle #6 Begins

from: Snowball McJingleBell
sent: Dec 14, 2006

The Sixth Puzzle


Exellent wrk, everyne! You've gotten to the sixth puzzle... no small feat, to be sure. Well, as I've promised, you're going to get your password in this email... but first, there are some things I have to say.

When you're replying with your solutions to this puzzle (because I'm sure you're all going to kic it's butt) please send me a new email, don't just ht rply to this one. Make the subjet "Puzzle #6 Answer." That makes things so mch easier for me when I'm going through old emails and puzzle soluions to figure ou who is supposd to get the new password. So, if you send answers to me as a reply to this email, I'm not going to see them because Gmail stacks eveyone's replies up on top of each other and I'll probably miss you.

So, good luck with the sixth puzzle! It's tough, if you don't know what you're doing. Those of you who have played that kind of game are going to have an advantage... well, I'll let you see for yourself! Most important of all, have fun!

-Snowball McJinglebell

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