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[edit] Washington coin Trail
- Value: $10,000
- This coin was found (when?)
[edit] CLUES
- We'll make this search easy, forget 50 states. There are 13 of these and in one the coin waits.
- To find the coin sooner than later, find the shore of a stream flowing from the equator.
- It's winter time, and often cold, but don't let your progress freeze. You'll find you're getting warmer if you stay above 32°.
- The way this word is written it's part of the clue. So tell us what does the word 'BELTWAY' mean to you?
- In VA this heptagon is called a CDP. It marks the border of your search, from here you want an E.
- There's treasure to be found, so don't just sit there. Head toward the river from this comfortable chair.
- Searching for the coin involves great toil, but this clue is elementary, head south from AG coil.
- As a boy he lived here peacefully. But the coin lies in the direction of his wartime enemy, civilly.
- The origin of this clue is unknown still, but from this vantage point look toward another hill.
- This rumor started, it's kind of funny; this boyhood president, threw some money. Across this river, o'er a mile wide, supposedly it reached the other side. Though this myth turns out untrue, the river and direction of the throw are clues.
- As clues go we promise you 600 is much better. Some initial thoughts can help you out. Follow them to the letter.
- Hunters continue to search and roam to the south of the place learned buffalo call home.
- You're too far down, you're search has been harried, if you come to the place where the giant's half buried.
- Don't get mixed up, here is a hint, stay to the west of 'Diabolic Pug Lint.'
- Is it code? Encryption? A secret riddle? No KJIHGFEDCBABCEDFGHIJK just shows you the middle.
- 3,9, and 5 are right from our angle, search on the acute side to avoid getting tangled.
- Clock time from the Capitol, Independence is half passed. You have until quarter-of to search, so make your movements fast.
- 36 columns for 36 states in a doric temple for you await. Instruction is given by the man inside, who looks in the direction where the coin resides.
- Between shimmering mirrors you'll find your direction though neither provides the coin's reflection.
- Another clue in a long line of tips is the direction provided when aligning a circle, square and ellipse.
- To grow, to power and to know are divisions. They form the southern border of your search decisions.
- To find the coin you must search with precision in the place that was once Pierre the Child's vision.
- Homes to masterpieces, exhibitions and galleries, the coin resides near a place like these.
- This clue is given as an institutional decree. Near, you seek the territorial namesake of star-like 3773.
- 7.01, 11.99, 9.00, 8.75, 10.50 - these five numbers have common ground, discover it and the coin may be found.
- Hiding the coin is no perfect defense, so we protected it with nearby battlements.
- Though known for self inductance, his title was of scribe. To find the coin, you must begin, to look past his left side.
- Train your attention around this place, with great locomotion to the whistler's race.
- Keep searching outside, you're getting tres close, now you seek trois intrados.
- The final clue, to end frustration - like a monk with a manuscript adding illustration.
(Most answers supplied by Fernando R., with some edits by Kingwilson and others.)
Location in a nutshell: