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[edit] Kansas City coin Trail
- Value: $10,000
- This coin was found (when?)
[edit] CLUES
- The coin is hidden in a place you can see, when you look at land sold back in 1803.
- Our search continues in the land of the free, go back one hour from EST.
- Travel down mountains, across plains you will flow. Our buddy, Ol' Muddy, knows just where to go.
- To find the state where the coin will be, takes just two words, and they're 'show me.'
- It's always warm, you'll never freeze, if you stay beneath 40 degrees.
- No tacos, no salsa, no siesta or feast. If you're south of the border you've gone too far east.
- You say po-tah-to, I say __________. Stay East of Nevada, North of __________.
- Go west of where wagons made a great migration, if the coin is your destination.
- This single agglomeration you should see, spans sovereign jurisdictions numbering three.
- Its myriad cascades are second only to Rome and in this city is the coin's home.
- This clue is important, don't miss the connection, these three align to point in a terminal direction.
- This clue is true, there is no trickery, count ye way to a place named for old hickory.
- Though disputed many still claim this is the first road of its name. But from this line southward go, that's all you really need to know.
- 5.56 - 20mm is small but this place is the largest of all. Take a shot at its name, and then head westward across the plain.
- You're too far south if you come to this place, once wrapped as a golden gift. To tighten your search think the opposite, and then your direction shift.
- Named for the shortest wavelength of the primary three, it runs to the east of where the coin will be.
- Don't bristle at this clue, but this small stream should run to the south of you.
- To find the coin, keep on track and walk away from three pioneer's backs.
- You're south of Iowa, south of Clay, move now past this short, misnamed highway.
- Go with the flow, but make sure to hurry, to a place where Kansas runs into Missouri.
- The southernmost border of your search will be three powers of three, cumulatively.
- For civil rights this man did strive, from his memorial do westward drive.
- BNSFUP criss-cross then go their way from where they mingle you must eastward stay.
- Some sold their souls here to play the blues, if you go below you'll have your clue.
- You're getting closer, use your brain, go south of the metropolis where future chemists can train.
- This clue is true, here's the place to scour, the coin may reside between three towers.
- This hunt will reward wisdom and loyalty, the coin you seek is somewhere between scholars and royalty.
- This park is so big, you could search for days. So to narrow your hunt, follow patriotism's gaze.
- You're almost there, so no relaxing, keep your energy up and stay below taxing.
- The coin is hidden, you could find it still, if you search for the one with a brother in Seville.
Location in a nutshell: